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Informationszentrum » Machu Picchu » Erwerben Sie die Eintrittskarten
Letztes Update: 03. September 2022

Information change


When you purchase your tickets, we ask you to provide definitive information about the entrance (type, date and time of entry), and about each visitor (full name, nationality, document number, etc.). Although this information must be definitive, there are times when it can be changed; for example, changing the date of entry, a misspelled name, a document number due to theft or loss of the document, etc.

Changes may or may not be possible depending on the status of the ticket.

Tickets not yet issued

For tickets not yet issued, any change is possible.

Tickets being issued or already issued

Tickets are in the process of being issued when our agency has already booked the tickets but not yet issued them. Tickets already issued are when we have sent them to you and they are available. For these tickets, some information may be changed, some may not. For legal reasons, it is totally impossible to change the ticket information or the name of a visitor. Due to numerous frauds and a real black market of entrance tickets, the Peruvian government has defined strict rules concerning changes (see the article below).

Extract of the Ministerial Resolution

[...] artículo 15 segundo párrafo de la Resolución Ministerial 2016-2018-MC que aprueba el Reglamento de Uso Sostenible y Visita Turística para la Conservación de la llaqta o ciudad inka de Machupicchu, dispone que el boleto de ingreso a la llaqta es válido solo para la fecha que fue adquirido, no estando permitido el cambio de fecha ni del nombre del titular del boleto de ingreso, permitiéndose solo el cambio de nro. del pasaporte excepcionalmente. [...]


Possible changes

Information of the entrance Ticket not yet issued Ticket being issued or already issued
Type (Machu only, Wayna Picchu, ...)
Information of the visitor Ticket not yet issued Ticket being issued or already issued
Last name and/or first name
Sex 1 time
Age 1 time
Nationality 1 time
Type of document (passport, ...) 1 time
Document number 1 time
Please note that some non-sensitive information such as gender or age do not need to be changed in case of error. Under no circumstances will access to Machu Picchu be denied if, for example, the age or gender does not correspond to that indicated on the ticket.
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