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Informationszentrum » Machu Picchu » Erwerben Sie die Eintrittskarten
Letztes Update: 20. September 2024

Erhalten Sie Ihre Tickets über Whatsapp

Since September 20, 2024, we are offering the possibility to send your tickets for free via Whatsapp, directly to your phone, once your tickets are available.

During the ticket purchase process, when entering your personal information, you can, if you wish, provide your mobile phone number. This information is not mandatory, and you can choose to only provide your email. Once your tickets are available, we will send you an email with a link to view and print your tickets, but also, if you have provided a mobile number and have Whatsapp installed, your ticket will be sent directly to your phone.

Erhalten Sie Ihre Tickets über WhatsappTickets via Whatsapp


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